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CIMF 2017 Program Open Call for Applications

  • 조회수 2,919
  • 작성자 원*경
  • 등록일 2016.11.29
Chuncheon International Mime Festival 2017 Program Open Call for Applications

Entering its 28th this year, The Chuncheon International Mime Festival(CIMF) is an annual international mime festival in Chuncheon City, South Korea. The CIMF is performed in harmony focusing on “Body, Movement and Image,” such as mime, physical theatre, movement theatre, street performance, contemporary dance, outdoor installation performance, and performance at specific place. The CIMF is honored as “The Best Arts and Tour Festival” from 2007 to 2011 and “The most Excellent Arts and Tour Festival” from 2012 to 2016 by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
The Chuncheon International Mime Festival based on the 'festivity' and 'artistic value' is a festival that various artists, citizens, and staffs make together. We hope to see many GREAT artists who will make GREAT festival together!

1. Description of Festival
a. Name of Festival : 2017 Chuncheon International Mime Festival
b. Period : May, 21th(Sun) ~ 28th(Sun), 2017. for 8 days
c. Place : Outdoor festival place in Chuncheon City
d. Sponsor : Chuncheon International Mime Festival Foundation, Korea Mime Council
e. Organizer : Organizing committee of Chuncheon International Mime
Festival Foundation

2. Applicants and Application Genres
a. Foreign and Domestic Artists
b. Mime, Physical Theater, Visual Theater, Specific Place Type Performance,
Movement Theater, Dance Theater, Installation Performance, Fire Performance
Sound Art and Play, and Other Performance Minimizing the Use of Language
c. outdoor performance only

3. How to Apply
a. Application must be submitted by [December 25th, 2017]
b. Send an application to us by e-mail (ictus@mimefestival.com)
Application form is attached to the Chuncheon International Mime Festival
Web (www.mimefestival.com)

4. Required Documents
a. Application Form (Specified Form)
※ Download it from the Chuncheon International Mime Festival Web
b. 5 Photos Related to Your Performance (jpg Format)
c. Performance Video (It should be avi, wmv format and compressed in zip)
d. Additional Materials which can help us to understand your performance

5. Questions
- Tel. +82 (0)33-244-6778
- e-mail. ictus@mimefestival.com
- Fax. +82 (0)33-242-0584
- address: 112, Chuncheon-ro, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Korea 200-949