Global Temperature 1.884 °C (+0.013°C)
Sea Level 81.2 cm (+1.6 cm)
Ground Water 69.46% (-0.09%)
Migration 1,681.8 millions (+106.8 millions)
Consumption 3.06 Earth (+0.0202 E)
CO2 534.8 ppm (+2.44 ppm)
Gini 0.721 (+0.0021)
(difference from 2049)
A new disease has arrived, more virulent and pandemic than COVID-19, even the Black Plague. It does not transmit between people, not even from human contacts with other animals.
It just loves to eat concrete and asphalt, like termites devours wood. It moves in swarms like ants. It locates who was hostile to nature, and selectively attack them by eating away their roads and communication structures. It attacks you by...
The full 2050 report on the instagram @acrosseurasia