Global Temperature 1.316 °C (+0.043 °C)
Sea Level 26.21 cm (+2.27 cm)
Ground Water 72.2% (-0.38%)
Migration 853 millions (+47 millions)
Consumption 2.09 Earth (+0.041 E)
CO2 448.26 ppm (+6.13 ppm)
Gini 0.7021 (+0.0101)
(difference from 2029)
Since the China-USA war began last year, the environmental destruction of the military-industrial complex (MIC) came under the spotlight. Even during the peacetime, the MIC of USA alone was responsible for 22.6% of all CO2e, which increased since Russia-USA war that began with Russia-Ukraine war. There is no preciese CO2e output by the global MIC, but with USA military budget is about 40% of the world total, most experts agree that it would be around 34.5%.
Global Temperature 1.371 °C (+0.055°C)
Sea Level 28.65 cm (+2.44 cm)
Ground Water 71.17% (-1.03%)
Migration 891 millions (+38 millions)
Consumption 2.137 Earth (+0.047 E)
CO2 454.41 ppm (+5.84 ppm)
Gini 0.7109 (+0.0088)
(difference from 2030)
The problem with water is increasing throughout the globe, and thus is changing human relation with nature once again. Draughts and Floods are getting more often and violent, as they become longer and stronger. The areas of their impacts are also enlarging, no longer isolated but becoming ever more contiguous. You wonder if the entire earth will someday be flood or draught everywhere at once.
The theory about Neo-Holocene is the latest topic of debate, as nature is once again becoming wild and stronger than us, as it was before. There is also growing anti-Judeo-Christian movements, against human providence over every earthly life, animate or inanimate. The new paganism is growing, a revival of earth as our mother, and nature as our divinity.
Rivers, the life blood of human civilization, are drying up everywhere. Dams that were built to control them are now being used to monopolize water by the population at higher elevation, denying water to the lower territories. The recent water war between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, are more likely to repeat all around, especially in South India, as it happened in Iran-Iraq War in 1980s and Syrian-Iraq-Turkiye wars. The drying up of Aral Sea in the last century, is being repeated other large lakes. China is building huge aqueducts fanning out from Lake Baikal, which holds ¼ of world’s fresh water.
But it is the invisible and slowly diminishing ground water that is the most critical as they are the only consistent and persistent source in our increasingly unpredictable and dramatic relationship with water from the above. This is especially so for agriculture, our last source for survival. Particularly worrisome was historical drop of -1.03% from last year, depleting the global ground water to 71.17%, losing 4.48% of world’s total ground water just since 2023. Neo-Holocene is becoming our future if we can survive Anthropocene. Otherwise, its “game over” in our Climate Endgame.
Global Temperature 1.415 °C (+0.044°C)
Sea Level 30.78 cm (+2.13 cm)
Ground Water 70.52% (-0.65%)
Migration 924 millions (+33 millions)
Consumption 2.19 Earth (+0.053 E)
CO2 459.72 ppm (+5.31 ppm)
Gini 0.7172 (+0.0063)
(difference from 2031)
Disappointingly predictable, the fossil fuel corporations want to milk the last dollar to the final drip. The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Rushdie, the CEO of Corporations for Fossil Energy Forever (CFEF), wants the “creative destruction” to go on and announced a new plan to protect their resources from ecoterrorists who are attacking refineries, breaking pipelines, torpedoing oil tankers and drone bombing oil rigs. Even the Greenpeace changed its name to Greenpirates. The days of sit-ins are over, in the age of “environmental wars.”
Back to the traditional wars, the extreme leftwing political commentator Jesse Carlson of MS-Fox News revealed a video recording of the sales reps of CFEF bribing the Appropriation and Arms Committees United States government, asking them to increase tension over Taiwan strait. He has denounced it as an “AI-news.”
With the American military being the largest single consumer of petroleum, the conspiracy is that the wars have been used to compensate the decline in petroleum consumption. Some critics have argued that underlined purpose is to simply transfer the American taxpayer’s money to the Saudi’s royal family. Historians are now fascinated with the theory that war is a money laundering system between states and corporations.
Good news. With a slowdown of the China-USA war, there was decline in the yearly escalation of all data except the consumption.
—Kyong Park
Corrections on 2031 Annual Report
Increase of “0.088 from 2030” to “0.0088 from 2030” and “0.790 from 2030” to “0.7109 from 2030”
Global Temperature 1.454 °C (+0.039°C)
Sea Level 33.06 cm (+2.28 cm)
Ground Water 69.93% (-0.59%)
Migration 953 millions (+29 millions)
Consumption 2.239 Earth (+0.049 E)
CO2 464.81 ppm (+5.09 ppm)
Gini 0.7213 (+0.0041)
(difference from 2032)
South Korea (ROK), like many countries, has been experiencing increasing water shortage, effecting more than 3 million of its citizens. Under the team led by Professor Lee Sang-ho leading a research group, “DREAMS”, funded by its government, developed the world's first maritime mobile seawater desalination plant vessel in 2018. Initially used to serve thousands of small islands around the peninsula of South Korea, it was later further developed with Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries ship buildings, it is now one of the major exports of South Korean economy.
The breakthrough of this new technology was to find freshwater from sea, not just from rain, rivers and underground. It also helps to lower the rising sea level, by transferring water from sea to land through human use and consumption. Even more effective was the same concept was used to converting the ice breaks in polar glaciers while dragging them to destinations worldwide that needed freshwater.
The production of this system was rapidly accelerated after the failure of ROK government to secure additional water from DPRK, especially its massive underground reservoir that was underused, from the extreme low consumption in that nation. Even the threat of using ROK’s newly developed nuclear did not convince DPRK to sell its water across the DMZ. The global underground water total fell below 70% in 2032.
Global Temperature 1.488 °C (+0.034°C)
Sea Level 35.47 cm (+2.41 cm)
Ground Water 69.51% (-0.42%)
Migration 1,008 millions (+55 millions)
Consumption 2.29 Earth (+0.051 E)
CO2 469.63 ppm (+4.82 ppm)
Gini 0.7251 (+0.0038)
(difference from 2033)
Despite continuing slowdown in the rise of CO2, the global temperature has already reached 1.488 Celsius above the pre-industrial age this year. In few years, we would break the +1.5 Celsius that 2015 United Nations Paris Agreement was targeted to not to reach. According to Amira Camelo, the activist and lawyer representing the International Union for Reparations for Colonial Exploitation, in Kinshasa, the developing nations are consuming more commodities than ever, especially cars and meat. Because of this, her and many other organizations are demanding reparation for their exploitation during the colonial era, so that the developing countries can be energy efficient and self-sufficient as developed nations. Moreover, she states that the world market, controlled by the developed nations, is continuing to enslave many nations, especially in Africa, keeping them from reaching their economic and environmental liberations. Many critics in the West calls this an “environmental black mailing,” a new geo-political phenomenon.
There is another “environmental black mailing” from the far north, Siberia and Canada. Similarly, to the downstream territory being denied of water from upstream—Uzbekistan from Kyrgyzstan—the Lake Baikal, which holds one-fourth of global freshwater, is giving Russia a great political and economic influence on China and the Korean peninsula. Both nations are refusing to adequately combat the methane and CO2 being released from their now melting Artic tundra, giving the potential for Canada to turn USA into its own “banana republic,” with help from Mexico and other Latin American country. We are witnessing the beginning of the new “Great Game,” over water, instead of Afghanistan.
Global Temperature 1.52 °C (+0.032°C)
Sea Level 37.67 cm (+2.2 cm)
Ground Water 69.26% (-0.25%)
Migration 1,034 millions (+26 millions)
Consumption 2.347 Earth (+0.057 E)
CO2 474.14 ppm (+4.51 ppm)
Gini 0.685 (+0.00156)
(difference from 2034)
Just a few days ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that he has gone above 1.5 Celsius global warming since the pre-industrial era. However, many organizations and institutions of various kinds and nations, including the global news agencies, are contending that we have not reached it, or already gone above last year. Who is right? Or does it really matter?
Like the magical wand of the interest rate, kept secretly inside the Federal Reserve United States, the global temperature rise (GTR) has become, what some aptly describe as, a state sponsored shamanism. Along with the global eco-terrorism, will these numbers destroy us all or save even just few of us.
Like the deniers of the Covid-19, there is now the rise of the deniers of GTR, commonly known as TAnons. Ever since Donald Trump’s third term in the White House, they form the core of ultra-rightwing terrorist in America, acquiring the Wagner Group in 2031 after Putin was dethroned.
The real fight now is over who controls these numbers, or whose number is correct. According to the researchers at the Center of Public Culture at the University of California San Diego, the number is overwhelmingly controlled by the West, or the nations powerful enough to continue to pollute the most. Like when the Royal Observatory swayed 22 other western nations to consensually agree that the prime meridian latitude of earth’s geographic coordinate system would be placed at Greenwich, England, the control of numbers is the essence of imperial colonialism. If you don’t believe me then ask why the United States has “1” in the international country code for telecommunication, or why the United States military has regional code of “01” in South Korea. So “1.5” is the imperialist number today, well until 2.0, or 2.5 comes along in the future, hopefully not.
Global Temperature 1.555 °C (+0.035°C)
Sea Level 39.45 cm (+1.78 cm)
Ground Water 69.07% (-0.19%)
Migration 1,072 millions (+38 millions)
Consumption 2.385 Earth (+0.038 E)
CO2 478.46 ppm (+4.34 ppm)
Gini 0.6861 (+0.0011)
(difference from 2035)
A team of scientists at the Seoul National University in South Korea revealed some fascinating findings this week. Over more than two years, the researchers invited and tested volunteers to extreme and prolonged heat and poor air to better understand if they act cooperatively or competitively, and how creative they were in survival. The subjects were isolated in different spaces to experience heat and air in varying levels and times and were tests by “the Game of Together How” that was developed in the Korean Pavilion exhibition at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2023.
As was expected, extreme heat and air produced highly competitive actions between people, in many cases very violent. However, it also showed some differences. Western people were more competitive, individualistic, and violent than the Eastern people who were more cooperative, communal, and more peaceful. At same time, Northern people were more independent and self-assertive, while the southern people were more dependent and obedient. The people in the middle show all these traits with remarkably differences. Furthermore, the Western people were more creative and ingenious in finding new methods, while the Eastern people were slower to act and find solutions.
Moreover, there were many details in their scores in “The Game of Together How,” which exhibited some fascinating clues to the recent political, economic, and cultural conflicts that is on-going around the world, both global and regional scales. The scientists believes that further studies of these details could help to understand what they consider as the development of a psychopathic civilization that has accepted and preparing toward the inevitable extinction of human, our collective loss of hope and future.
Global Temperature 1.595 °C (+0.04°C)
Sea Level 41.5 cm (+2.1 cm)
Ground Water 68.77% (-0.3%)
Migration 1,107 millions (+35 millions)
Consumption 2.42 Earth (+0.035 E)
CO2 482.67 ppm (+4.21 ppm)
Gini 0.6861 (+0.00)
(difference from 2036)
Z, the global security for elites of the world, founded by no other than Felon Musk, has been the next step in the evolution of the mogul’s business model from Tesla to SpaceX to just X. Its director of operation, Alfred Ray Prince, formerly the Regional Director of Too Rich to Fail Security Service (TRFS2), Inc in Jackson Hole, USA., was instrumental in convincing Musk to upstart this industry that some experts have begun call as a para-states.
As the climate end game generating multiple of complex and unexpected crisis around the world—such as failed states that followed failed banks—the rise of paramilitary forces reflected general balkanization that has come to overtake globalization increasingly. It was no longer too sufficient for companies like TRFS2 to secure the residential confines of the tech billionaires. With many nations-states unable to manage increasing political and economic pressures, many military industrial complexes are undergoing dramatic privatization around the world, bit reminiscent of post-Soviet Union.
The result is obvious. Following the history of French Foreign Legions, Blackwater, the Wagner Group, Executive Outcome (South Africa), Affreux (Congo), Rapid Support Forces (Sudan), perhaps including religious forces like Boka Haram and Mujahideen, much robust private paramilitary forces were necessary to protect the entire business infrastructure, especially their nuclear power plants and all important data banks of X, which has come to eclipse Meta, Alphabet Inc., and AI companies. With the size of territories and networks being so vast and competitive, his paramilitary forces of more than 1.24 million personnel, with the budget that rivals once incomparable Pentagon, Felon Musk is throned as the world’s first “digital warlord.”
Global Temperature 1.632 °C (+0.037°C)
Sea Level 43.89 cm (+2.39 cm)
Ground Water 68.69% (-0.18%)
Migration 1,142 millions (+35 millions)
Consumption 2.45 Earth (+0.0375 E)
CO2 486.84 ppm (+4.17 ppm)
Gini 0.688 (+0.00216)
(difference from 2037)
Last night, there was a serious hack into the central data system of the Earth Bank Codes, who just completed the cataloguing the genomes of all of Earth's eukaryotic species. It is uncertain who is responsible for the break-in and for what purpose. According to their spokesmen, the domestic terrorism investigation at FBI and counter terrorism unit of CIA are considering several suspects. Earth Bank of Codes is in a partnership with the Earth BioGenome Project who has almost completed the sequencing the DNA of all complex life-forms on Earth, and is supported by the World Economic Forum since 2018.
One possibility is an eco-terrorist group that has been increasingly critical about EBP’s historic connection a secret consortium known as the Second Noah’s Ark, whose members are big pharma billionaires and Christian Evangelists of the Prosperity Theology. The eco-terrorists contends that the “biopiracy” by EBP only serve the few and super rich who envisions the Second Garden of Eden for themselves. Another suspect is North Korean leader Kim Ju Ae, who was in dire need to prove her leadership with a new Juche ideology that favors targeted terrorism instead nuclear threats that have become ineffective.
But many independent experts thinks that it is Bit Gen, the new underground and over-internet trading of genomes, thought to be the creation of Hiroshi Hashimoto, who some think is really a South Korean in the name of Park Kyong Dong. An anarchist group, Bit Gen, under its principle of Genocracy, proclaims to make the genomes of Earth publicly accessible and tradeable for anyone in the world and is fighting the centralization of life information in the hands of few.
Global Temperature 1.658 °C (+0.0261°C)
Sea Level 44 cm (+1.1 cm)
Ground Water 68.37% (-0.316%)
Migration 1,185 millions (+42.6 millions)
Consumption 2.504 Earth (+0.0535 E)
CO2 491.49 ppm (+4.65 ppm)
Gini 0.69 (+0.00226)
(difference from 2038)
Marx had warned us that the people must take control of production of commodities, but instead society became an accessory to the market economy, according to Polanyi. With every indicator in the “Ecogram” of “The Game of Together How” consistently pointing us toward our extinction, the debates about our material consumption have become viral.
South Korea is the center of such debates as it is the home of two most powerful movements on human consumption and climate endgame. According to Elijah Kim, the bishop of Church of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in Seoul, we must continue to believe in doctrine of “Growth Forever,” because this is our road to the heavenly paradise, not to extinction. He believes that the only way to enjoy our way of life is to continue the god given providence of material happiness, and those who will not join the Church of GDP instead would burn in hell.
Park Sun-Young, the Executive Director of The Society for Less Consumption in Mokpo City, instead believes that we can no longer live in plenty and waste, and must return to the responsible life of necessities, from the reckless life of desires. This can be achieved through education, policies, and penalties, and can even transform corporate capitalism to environmental justice.
A special technological and cultural experiment is being undertaken to see which of these two movements is correct. They have agreed to lock themselves into two separate eco-cultural dome for the next 25 years, where the result will be indisputable. Meanwhile, the climate continues to get hotter every year.