Global Temperature 1.114 °C (+0.014 °C)
Sea Level 11.9 cm (+1.9 cm)
Ground Water 75.65% (-0.15%)
Migration 685 millions (+25 millions)
Consumption 1.823 Earth (+0.023 E)
CO2 424.71 ppm (+1.71 ppm)
Gini 0.663 (+0.0038)
(difference from 2023)
Nothing has changed much in 2023, only a minor spike in the global income inequality, probably from the combination of rising inflation, plutocracy, and energy conflicts, not to forget Russo-Ukranija war. The other six figures in “The Game of Together How” steadily getting worse but relatively stable. Not surprisingly, the leaders of world political economy continue to hesitate to fight the climate change urgently and whole heartedly. Maybe they never will. Why? Because they are driven by power and profit, not humanity and love.
I have made a strong statement at the opening ceremony that our problem is less in the environment and more within us, the legacy of our eco-cultural legacy since 1492. No doubt the unraveling of the current eco-culture, which is heavily created under the western power and Christian value, is a monumental challenge that has yes began, especially under the oppressive neo-liberalized market where “the sun never sets.” Yet is important and necessary to reach an apex to end the idea of Progress, the source of the climate endgame.
Out of “decarbonization” and ‘decolonization,” the two-leading concept of 2023 Venice Biennale put forth by its curator Lesley Lokko, the latter is more important to the changing of our future than the former that pretend more urgent. But “decolonization” should now be termed as “de-westernization,” because the latter provides the cultural will to our political and territorial reparation with nature that is slow to come.
Global Temperature 1.131 °C (+0.017 °C)
Sea Level 14.13 cm (+2.23 cm)
Ground Water 75.01% (-0.64%)
Migration 689 millions (+4.5 millions)
Consumption 1.852 Earth (+0.029 E)
CO2 424.88 ppm (+0.174 ppm)
Gini 0.667 (+0.0047)
(difference from 2024)
There is growing interest on the relationship between the Western colonialism since 1492 and the climate endgame toward 2086. Their connection became critical with the establishment of International Union for Reparations for Colonial Exploitation in Kinshasa in 2025, whose mandate is to formulate what is the fair compensations for the victims of the forceful confiscation of most of the earth’s land, resources, and labor by the Western imperial states, including the Japanese empires. The problem of configuring an agreeable reparation was the statute of limitation, in which current plaintiff states or societies argue that it was impossible for they themselves to have participated in such atrocities that was so long ago. Therefore, they are free from such responsibility by the nature of time. But the brilliance of Njinga Mbungu Mobuto, the Union’s Director of Planning, was how she illustrated to the International Tribunal for the Crime Against Humanity, that the environment devastations of today was accumulated effect from the very history of Western colonialism and has transfigured into the market-based neo-colonialism today. Thus, the exploitation from both kinds of colonialism were thus evolutionary, thereby has become hereditary and generational, and are subject to ahistorical scrutiny. She furthered that environmental devastation was most immediate in the post-colonial states, but also the developed states were continuing to export environmental destructions by sending production and waste of manufactured commodities to them. She described this as “outsourced colonialism.”
Global Temperature 1.153 °C (+0.022 °C)
Sea Level 16.38 cm (+2.25 cm)
Ground Water 74.37% (-0.64%)
Migration 700 millions (+11.2 millions)
Consumption 1.882 Earth (+0.035 E)
CO2 427.22 ppm (+2.34 ppm)
Gini 0.673 (+0.0054)
(difference from 2025)
Just last week, an armada of ships and boats, headed toward EU. It was a concerted strategy to overwhelm the capacity of the Coast Guards and Immigration agency, so that some of them would be pass through and reach the land of opportunity. But this only served to escalate the increasingly harsh anti-migration ideology and policies over the last few years. Even NATO was summoned to shoot and sink them, so the death toll reached above thousands in one day for the first time. Now similar northerly boating of the migrants from Southeast Asia toward Northeast Asia is beginning to emerge, hopping the chain of islands from Taiwan, Okinawa, Japan, Korea to Manchuria.
The question is not just when will the will to combat immigration would fall apart. The same question could be asked to when the governments and corporations will really begin to combat the global warming in real and earnest way. When will the economic migration will be superseded by climate migration, in which the distinction between insiders and outsiders could be permeated.
This is all about tolerance so that the oppositions will become less distinct and violent. When will the competitions be transition into cooperation, inside increasingly nomadic, transformative, and confrontational environment of the climate endgame.
Global Temperature 1.183 °C (+0.03 °C)
Sea Level 18.78 cm (+2.47 cm)
Ground Water 73.59% (-0.78%)
Migration 715 millions (+15 millions)
Consumption 1.924 Earth (+0.042 E)
CO2 429.96 ppm (+2.74 ppm)
Gini 0.679 (+0.0063)
(difference from 2026)
It is getting more difficult to discern the exact sources as more and more nations and communities are blaming each other to be the culprit. Their environmental data are not transparent either. The temperature rise was disheartening to the people who bought electric cars, which are now under increasing scrutiny because their production is creating its own cocktail of highly toxic waste. Moreover, CO2 continues to go up, possibly because the greater production of electric car is consuming more energy and materials, especially the mining and processing lithium and other minerals and their mining. There was a spike in the depletion of ground water, resulting from continuing draught around Libya, Northern Syria, and the Central Valley in the Southern California.
The developing nations are continuing to argue that they have equal right to reach consumption level of developed nations, while the underdeveloped nations want reparation and compensation for colonial and on-going environmental devastations that remains largely comes from developed nations. Tensions are mounting, as the nations of larger economy, market, population, and energy are playing multi-polar but unilateral alliances to construct Climate Empires of environmental wars to come. Rising tension between China and US for the market and climate control is most feared.
Global Temperature 1.225 °C (+0.042 °C)
Sea Level 21.32 cm (+2.54 cm)
Ground Water 73.02% (-0.57%)
Migration 737 millions (+22 millions)
Consumption 1.982 Earth (+0.058 E)
CO2 435.47 ppm (+5.51 ppm)
Gini 0.685 (+0.006)
(difference from 2027)
There was a steep rise in CO2, nearly 50% above the annual rise of last year. So there has been many debates on the cause of this. Some speculates that it may be caused by the
Corporations for Fossil Energy Forever, who have a colluded with China and India, by lowering the price of oil well below the market price. Some experts speculate that the oil corporations are fighting back against the environmental movements that are gaining stronger influences in the political landscapes of the West. The larger goal of them may be to create political tension between East and West, perhaps even imagining that the war between them would escalate both the price and volume of oil sale. Afterall, their goal is to sell as much before the era of oil energy comes to an end. They may be trying a new business model, blackmail states or hostage them till the last drop of profit.
Despite growing mistrust and opposition to the wealth and power of the corporations, their high officers are continuing to be compensated at stratospheric proportion to the rest of us. With the end their golden years in sight, they, like the oil tycoons, are furiously extracting as much money they can before they would be denounced, imprisoned, or even executed in public space, like during the French Revolution. They have become the latest villains of the Climate Endgame.
Global Temperature 1.273 °C (+0.048 °C)
Sea Level 23.94 cm (+2.62 cm)
Ground Water 72.58% (-0.44%)
Migration 806 millions (+69 millions)
Consumption 2.049 Earth (+0.067 E)
CO2 442.13 ppm (+6.66 ppm)
Gini 0.692 (+0.0073)
(difference from 2028)
The long-festered tensions between China and USA, over the territorialization of market and resources, have finally become a full war, starting from the Taiwan strait, and spilling over to the South China Sea. Largely confined to naval and air warfare, they have nevertheless produced unprecedented exodus from highly populated area of Taiwan, Philippines, Pearl River Delta (Guangdong) and Fujian province. More than 47 million people are fleeing to inner provinces of China, and toward Indonesia and Australia as well. When added to the on-going economic, urban and climate driven migrations, the total increased by 69 million from 2028, pushing total refuges to 806 million people world-wide.
Too early to tell the exact impact of this war would have on the climate endgame. But history tells us that wars have produced greater consumption of fossil fuel. Destruction of biodiversity from bombing caused by their extensive chemical and mineral toxins would also spread wide and deep, not to mention their great contamination of land, air, and water. Previous warfare has also spiked greenhouse gas emission in array of toxins above normal peacetime industrial and domestic releases.
Many experts and specialists have feared that the climate endgame would produce warfare over resources, production, and consumptions. But now they would further exacerbate the climate endgame, that in turn would produce more warfare and conflicts. It is the “lose, lose” doctrine of the climate endgame that is engulfing us more and more, like the wildfires from rising global temperature. The war between China and USA is war of great empires, not between some small nations or cities, nor war by terrorists.